Quick Player Character options

For A Life on the Edge we have put together some quick-build characters which players may choose from.

If you would like to put together your own character and come up with an interesting backstory, you will find maybe a few extra credits in your initial starting pool.

This game will use phys-reps for several things, such as ammunition, medical supplies, tools, cyberdecks, etc. Please ensure you have some way of carrying items, for example a bag or ruck sack.

Some character roles will have restricted access to certain equipment and weapons – for example by default a Medtech will only have a pistol, and only a scout will have a radio.

Please consider this when talking to the game runners about character ideas. In addition, some specialist equipment can only be used by certain character types (only Netrunners can use Cyberdecks, and only Medtechs can use SIABs).

There will also be in game purchases for weapons, armour, equipment and Cyberware.


To build a simple character, first choose one of the following 3 Lifepaths; players can make as much or as little of backgrounds as they would like they are there to give you a little something to have in common with the other characters and add colour. Feel free to message game runners for more options/information.


Roaming the Badlands, looting scrapyards, raiding fuel depots - life on the road wasn't easy. But growing up in a Nomad clan has its perks. Honesty, integrity, and a love of freedom - qualities that few living on the edge possess, and no amount of money can buy.

  • Outfit suggestions: Leathers, Jeans, Rough casualwear, practical clothing. Appropriate armour.


Few leave the corporate world with their lives - fewer still with their souls intact. You've been there - you've bent the rules, exploited secrets and weaponized information. There's no such thing as a fair game, only winners and losers.

  • Outfit suggestions: Suit or appropriate smart dress for your role.


They say if you wanna understand the streets, you gotta live 'em. Gangs, fixers, dolls, small-time pushers - you were raised by them all. Down here the law of the jungle dictates the weak serve the strong - the only law living on the edge you have yet to break.

  • Outfit suggestions: Jeans, Tracksuits, Rough casualwear, Gang colours, markings etc

Quick Builds

Choose one of the builds from these below. Note the weapon and armour choices are optional, you can choose to wear or carry something 'lesser' and save a few Eddies.

Assault Soldier

Assassins, bodyguards, killers, and soldiers-for-hire in a lawless new world.

  • Cyberwear None
  • Equipment None
  • Weapon Assault Rifle (2 DOT damage weapon)
  • Armour Medium (+2 hit points, total 6)
  • Reloads and extras 5 magazines
  • Starting Credits ES 350
  • Role Benefit Can use medkits, all weapon/armour types and explosives

Urban Soldier

Assassins, bodyguards, killers, and soldiers-for-hire in a lawless new world.

  • Cyberwear None
  • Equipment None
  • Weapon Sub-machine gun (1 DOT damage weapon)
  • Armour Medium (+2 hit points, total 6)
  • Reloads and extras 5 magazines
  • Starting Credits ES 700
  • Role Benefit Can use medkits, all weapon/armour types and explosives


Transport experts, ultimate road warriors, pirates, and smugglers who keep the world connected.

  • Cyberwear None
  • Equipment Secure Radio (The only way to communicate at the Cybar)
  • Weapon Sniper Rifle (3 DOT damage weapon)
  • Armour Light (+1 hit points, total 5)
  • Reloads and extras 2 magazines
  • Starting Credits ES 500
  • Role benefit Can use medkits, has local area knowledge

City Medtech

Unsanctioned street doctors and cyberware medics, patching up meat and metal alike.

  • Cyberwear None
  • Equipment SIAB (limited number in game)
  • Weapon Pistol (1 DOT damage weapon)
  • Armour Light (+1 hit points, total 5)
  • Reloads and extras 5 magazines
  • Starting Credits ES 175
  • Role Benefit Can use medic kit/SIAB

Combat Medic

Bringing help to those where they need it most: in the thick of the action.

  • Cyberwear None
  • Equipment Medic kit
  • Weapon Pistol (1 DOT damage weapon)
  • Armour Medium (+2 hit points, total 6)
  • Reloads and extras 5 magazines
  • Starting Credits ES 625
  • Role Benefit Can use medic kit/SIAB

Netrunner (Limited numbers available)

Cybernetic master hackers of the post-NET world and brain-burning secret stealers.

  • Cyberwear Neural controller
  • Equipment Cyberdeck
  • Weapon Pistol (1 DOT damage weapon)
  • Armour Light (+1 hit points, total 5)
  • Reloads and extras 5 magazines
  • Starting Credits ES 25
  • Role Benefit Can use cyberdeck


Corporate power brokers and business raiders fighting to restore the rule of the Megacorps.

  • Cyberware Neural Controller; Implanted Agent
  • Equipment Trauma Team card
  • Weapon Pistol (1 DOT damage weapon)
  • Armour Medium (+2 hit points, total 6) – armoured business suit
  • Reloads and extras 5 x reloads
  • Starting Credits ES 250
  • Role Benefit Corporate contacts; Always online (outside the Cybar jamming area)