
As 'Cyberpunk: A Life on the Edge' is a PvE style linear-based LARP we rely heavily on crew to provide content to players and some of these have recurring roles.


Please don't shoot the Patrons, you'll only annoy the refs. The Patrons are there to dispense information, cash, gear and so on.

Adam Stevenson

Adam is the barkeep of the Cybar and acts as a source of information, occasional work and resources such as ammunition and weapons for the operators who work out of it. Everything that happens at The Cybar happens on Adam's say-so.

Florence Knightingale

Trusted Ripperdoc Florence works in a clinic opposite the Cybar and is the operators' main source of medical assistance and where they spend most of their money. She also has a side order in information and when things are quiet runs a game of roulette or poker on the side.

Anton Fedorov

Anton is a fixer known to hang around at the Cybar and give out jobs to any operators there. Despite the Russian heritage it’s obvious his family has been in London for a long time and is fully integrated.

Anton has a brother Vasili who none of the operators have ever met but he insists is a dangerous man who he’ll set on you if you cross him.

The Faceless want to kill Anton but you don't know why. 

Scars Alice

Alice is a senior Nomad who runs a loan business. You might call her a loan shark but she’d punch you out for that. She makes damn sure she gets paid.

She will loan money quite freely to operators knowing her reputation ensures she won’t get stiffed.

The territory The Cybar sits in 'belongs' to Alice so she's somebody who has a lot of sway locally.


A famed Cybermancer, ZeroDay has done some transactional work with the Operators and seems helpful but nobody knows their true motives.

Clarence Rustin

Clarence runs the Noodle Bar at the Night Market dispensing tasty treats but also a job or two.


The operators have made a few enemies over time. People who if seen outside the pax of the Cybar will try to kill them and for whom they should maybe try to return the favour. It'll be hard though, any time you want to kill a named antagonist NPC expect a 'boss fight' of some kind.


Gang leader of Maelstrom. An icy violent psychopath that the operators have had run-ins with before. 

WarCrimes is a poster boy for Cyberpsychosis and it's expected he'll go on a full rampage some time soon and get taken out by Max-Tac.

Neutral parties

Neutral NPCs might have disagreements with the Operators sometimes but usually they can be dealt with and might help out unexpectedly if it suits them.

The Alchemist

Fixer with an anonymous persona that works through intermediaries, see Dodge to contact them.

The Bosun

The operators' contact with Blackbeard's Boys. There's an amount of mutual distrust ever since they got heat from a job gone wrong but you can probably still go to them offering cash for work and not get shivved.


The shadowy power behind his Boys, if things get bad he may make an appearance.

Bogdan Mu

Proprietor of the Night Market.

Carlos DeVega

A Prefect in the Bullingdon Club, only known about from the video message destined for WarCrimes which was intercepted.

Derek Wiseman

A tech researcher working at Arasaka and feeding information to Scars Alice. Extracted from a Corporate Police custody by the Operators in Game #4. Was working on Project Waterfall. Handed over to Bogdan Mu in Game #5

Face of the Faceless

This figure is most likely not one person.

Seen frequently as a representative of The Faceless wearing a mesmerising video mask they negotiate, offer and threaten on behalf of the whole collective. Angering The Faceless will end badly for you but they will almost always open with an offer rather than a threat.

Master Keaton Chavez

Leader of The Inquisition and writer of their holy book "At One With Body And Soul".


Information broker who can get things Anton can't.

The Sheriff

Bogdan Mu's Enforcer and runs things night-by-night at the Night Market.

Casey “the Bullet” Mandragore

No self-respecting black-market would be without an Arms Dealer and at the Night Market that’s “The Bullet”.

Mustering out of Militech around the same time as The Sheriff the two are firm friends and The Sheriff makes sure nobody encroaches on Casey’s business.

Nobody knows where the stuff comes from especially the bespoke items from the mysterious Spartan Designs but it’s the go-to thing for those who need the best.

Freddie Friendly

The resident Ripperdoc at the Night Market, Freddie is not Friendly he’s a psychopath.

Not at all against taking Cyberware harvested by a Boostergang and reselling it to an unsuspecting punter Freddie is expensive but he’s the only game in town at the Night Market.